One to many, or few to many scenarios, like a keynote, a CEO town hall, or a moderated panel discussion
Attendee Limit: 10,000 (currently 100,000)
Key Features:
- Up to 10,000 people* from inside and outside the organization can join the live broadcast, or connect your event to internet streaming or television broadcasts for unlimited reach.
- Distinct roles empower producers, presenters, and attendees.
- The production can be as simple or as customized as needed: from presenters sharing webcams and screens to a studio-quality production.
- Host live events in Teams or Yammer, or create a customized event experience to support the largest-scale broadcasts.
- Events are recorded and automatically transcribed, so you can search the recording for specific content.
*Can currently do 100,000 participants through July 1st, 2020
- Company wide event
- Online event for a team, customers partners, or the public
- Custom experience for a large-scale live event or announcement
Using Live Events:
If you would like to host a live event, please contact the University Help Desk at 239-590-1188 or via email at helpdesk@fgcu.edu.
Additional Information: