When you create a new team in Microsoft Teams, you’ll be asked to select from one of four teams. Learn more in the table below about which team meets your teaching and learning goals.
Class |
Professional Learning Community (PLC) |
Staff |
Other |
Description |
Teachers and students collaborating on group projects, assignments, and more. |
Educators collaborating within a professional learning community. Examples: academic department, grade band, or group working on a shared goal. |
Staff leaders and staff members collaborating on school administration and development. |
Students and school employees collaborating in interest groups and clubs. |
Team owners & team members |
Teachers are team owners and add students as team members. |
Educators form the team and other educators join the team. |
Staff leaders are team owners and add staff members as team members. |
Any combination of students and school staff can form a team and add members. |
Permissions |
Teachers moderate student conversations and who can post where. Students only have write permission in certain areas. |
Educators share equal read-write permissions. |
Staff leaders control posting settings. Staff members only have write permission in certain areas. |
Team members share equal read-write permissions unless the team owner(s) alter the settings. |
Features |
Class Notebook Assignments Conversations Files Video and audio calls Chat (if enabled) Pinning new tabs with documents or sites like Microsoft Forms |
OneNote notebook Conversations Files Meetings Video and audio calls Chat (if enabled) Pinning new tabs with documents or sites |
Staff Notebook Conversations Files Meetings Video and audio calls Chat (if enabled) Pinning new tabs with documents or sites |
OneNote notebook Conversations Files Meetings Video and audio calls Chat (if enabled) Pinning new tabs with documents or sites |
Educational goals |
Assign, track, and review student work Export grades Collaborate and communicate in the classroom Make announcements Administer quizzes and polls Work in student groups Share and organize rich content Invite virtual experts into the classroom |
Collaborate in professional learning communities Communicate Make announcements Share work Organize virtual or face-to-face meetings Work in smaller groups Share and organize content |
Oversee professional development, staff, and administrative goals Communicate Make announcements Share content and progress reports Work in smaller groups Organize virtual or face-to-face meetings |
Collaborate and communicate with team members Make announcements Share content Organize virtual or face-to-face meetings Work in smaller groups |