This document explains what Keychain Access is on Mac OS devices. It also explains how to locate it and manage it on an Apple device. It also provides information on what to do if you do not remember your saved keychain password.
Keychain Access is a macOS app that stores your passwords and account information and reduces the number of passwords you must remember and manage. This is a built-in feature within all Apple devices.
When you access a website, email account, network server, or other password-protected item, you may be given the option to remember or save the password. If you choose to save the password, it’s saved in your keychain, so you don’t have to remember or type your password every time. The only time this can be an issue is if your password is ever changed.
Because Keychain Access securely stores and retrieves your usernames, passwords, and other information, you can make individual passwords more complex and difficult to break. This can make your individual accounts more secure.
One type of keychain is called the Login Keychain. Your login keychain password is normally the same as your user network password. At login, if your keychain password somehow differs from your user password, it doesn’t automatically unlock, and will be asked to enter the keychain’s password. If you change your network password anywhere other than through the Machine itself while on the network, you will receive this prompt. If this occurs, it’s recommended that you create a new Keychain, like on Account page.
The recommended method of changing your password on Macs is to change the password on your device, while on campus and connected via ethernet. This will keep your keychain updated and correct.
The University recommended method of changing your password is through the Eagle Access Management System. However, by going through this method you will need to update your keychain.
Here is an article explaining how to change your password using that system:
What to do if you don’t remember your saved keychain password:
If you don’t remember your previous network password, you need to reset your default keychain. Resetting the default keychain deletes all the passwords saved in the keychain, but lets you sync your login password and the password stored in the keychain.
- To do this, open System Preferences, by selecting the Apple Icon in the top left corner and then select System Preferences.
- Then open Users & Groups.
- Click on Change Password.
In order to reset your default keychain, follow these steps:
Resetting default keychains requires you to log out and log back into your Mac to complete the process.
- Open Keychain Access, search for it in Spotlight which can be found at the top right corner of the screen , then press Return.
- In the Keychain Access Application on your Mac, choose Keychain Access > Preferences.
- Click Reset My Default Keychainbutton.
- Enter your most Current FGCU Password when prompted and click the OK to update your login keychain
- In the Finder on your Mac, choose Apple menu > Restart. When you log in again, save your current login password in a keychain.
If your user password was reset because you forgot your password, and you can’t provide the old password for the keychain, you won’t be able to access the information in the old keychain, and a new blank keychain is created. Be cautious with changing anything else in Keychain access because if certain specific keychains are deleted it could cause issues.