Getting Started
- Basic Overview Guide: (Article)
- Building a survey project: (Video)
*Qualtrics includes several different types of projects. Our FGCU Qualtrics License only includes survey projects.
Creating a Project
A project consists of a survey, distribution record, and collection of responses and reports. You can create a new survey project from scratch, from a copy of an existing survey, from a template in your survey library, or from an exported QSF file.
- About Creating a Project:
*Unfortunately, it is not possible to import an existing Checkbox Survey into Qualtrics.
To continue an ongoing Checkbox Survey after the transition to Qualtrics, you will need to re-create the survey in Qualtrics. However, it is possible to import the response data collected in Checkbox into the Qualtrics survey.
- About Importing Responses:
For further support with importing Checkbox Survey Data, Contact Qualtrics Support.
Collaborating on Projects
The collaborate feature allows you to give other Qualtrics users/groups access to your surveys. You can even choose to restrict what type of access other users have to your survey projects. For example, if you have a research survey, you can allow other users to access the data but not edit or administer the survey.
- About Collaborating on Survey Projects:
*For Qualtrics Users who are members in a User Group… Please contact the Helpdesk for assistance with setting up/managing user groups.
*For Students currently in Checkbox, they must submit a form to request Qualtrics Access.
Survey Basics
Surveys are created and edited in the survey builder.
- About the Survey Builder:
Distributions Basics
Distribution refers to the channel and method for sharing and collecting survey responses.
- About Distributions:
Results and Reporting Basics
View real-time responses for your survey and generate reports. Qualtrics allows users to export their response data in both excel and native SPSS files to allow for additional data analysis outside of Qualtrics.
About Results & Reporting:
Qualtrics Training
Qualtrics Basecamp: on-demand learning site designed to help you and your team get started with Qualtrics. These self-paced trainings include an eclectic range of information spanning Qualtrics fundamentals, best practices, and survey methodologies.
Qualtrics Support Site
Articles and documentation on how to get started and utilize Qualtrics features.
Contact Support
- For technical assistance and survey recommendations: Contact Qualtrics Support
- For account/access support: Submit a HelpDesk Ticket.